A get-stuff-done-er, you have a way of doing the seemingly impossible while making it look easy. You’re the person who finds a repair shop when your rental car’s AC breaks in Mexico – in the middle of August.
Detail-obsessed, you’re the friend that puts together a budget spreadsheet and itinerary for everyone when you go on vacation. Your desk is always organized, and you practice Inbox Zero religiously.
Curious and ambitious, you love to learn and are comfortable doing so on your own – whether it’s the latest tech development (hello, ChatGPT), how to code in HTML, or how to set up a campaign in HubSpot.
A superb communicator and writer, you probably think this section is too long and already have suggestions for how to cut it down.
You’re the person everyone wants on their team – a ray of sunshine and positivity. You like people, and people like you.
If this sounds at all familiar, then we can’t wait to hear from you.