All I want for (a GenAI) Christmas: Blue Seedling’s 2024 GenAI B2B Marketing Wishlist & Predictions

Predictions are really hard, especially about the future (according to Nobel laureate Niels Bohr, or Yogi Berra). And in 2023, this feels doubly true. 

But we’re still making three of them in this post. Worst case, if they don’t pan out, we can say they were simply “items on our wishlist.”

So here’s what we think 2024 holds for Generative AI + B2B marketing.

2024 Prediction #1: ChatGPT becomes a B2B marketing platform (with marketing GPTs and plugins that actually work)

Since OpenAI released ChatGPT a year ago, the continuous rollout of new features and updates has made the tool more valuable, and made me spend more time using it. But it still remained just that – a tool. A versatile, powerful one, but merely a tool. GPTs (or Custom ChatGPTs), OpenAI’s latest feature, may change all that. 

In 2024, we can imagine ChatGPT becoming a real B2B platform – like Salesforce, Hubspot, or Adobe. One with marketing integrations – GPTs or plugins – that actually work. Early birds like Canva GPT show the potential, but still leave much to be desired. 

Our bet? This is bound to improve in 2024, and make ChatGPT a true platform with common sense, seamless integrations. 

2024 Prediction #2: A GenAI tool for integrated B2B marketing campaigns

Next, imagine a world where ChatGPT isn’t just a platform, but the heart of integrated marketing campaigns. Dreaming of a webinar? Think of an AI tool that crafts your landing pages, social posts, promotion emails, blog posts, and even webinar follow-up video snippets. Today, juggling Mailchimp, WordPress, LinkedIn, Canva, Anyword, and Zoom feels like a circus act (an extremely manual one).

Speaking of CustomGPTs, that’s how we got this image!

In 2024, we’re looking at the very real possibility of a GenAI tool that can lay the groundwork for an ace webinar, saving you and your team time to focus on what really matters – the content.

2024 Prediction #3: The ultimate B2B marketing calendar is born

Finally, a confession: we’re still searching for that awesome B2B marketing calendar. Yes, we’ve tried practically every tool out there. Even tried to coax GenAI into playing nice with our scheduling woes. The result? A resounding meh. Fast forward to 2024 – we’re optimistic that the ultimate, love-at-first-sight marketing calendar will emerge.

The bottom line

Our predictions for 2024? A year where ChatGPT comes into its own, integrated marketing campaigns get a GenAI makeover, and the elusive amazing marketing calendar becomes a reality. 2024, bring it on.

Netta is the founder and CEO of Blue Seedling. She loves third wave coffee, thin crust pizza, and B2B marketing.

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