Pinpointing the issue: Positioning, messaging, or copywriting?

“You’re the expert. What’s broken – our positioning, our messaging, or our homepage copy?”

I talked to a startup founder the other day who knew something wasn’t working – and she was desperate to fix it. The company had a unique and exciting vision, but they were struggling to gain traction.

And she couldn’t pinpoint whether the problem was the company’s fundamental positioning or the way they were bringing their strategy to life.

Sound familiar?

There’s been a lot written (by people smarter than me) about the distinction between positioning, messaging, and copywriting. It’s a helpful mental model, but it’s not always so simple in practice.

➡️ If things aren’t working, how do you know which one’s broken?

➡️ How do you know what “good” positioning looks like without nailing the other pieces?

I got to sit down with my brilliant colleague and fellow positioning expert Natali Morad to discuss this exact topic, and much more. Here’s the first clip of our conversation…more to come.


Are you an enterprise B2B startup or scaleup leader and know that something isn’t resonating – but struggling to pinpoint what it is? Reach out and let’s schedule a time to talk. ☕

Jordan is a Managing Director at Blue Seedling. You can find him reading medieval literature, running, or helping B2B startups with go-to-market strategy.

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